
For school age children 4 years 8 months and older, DEECD provides free bus transport to and from school providing your child resides within Yarrabah’s zoned area.

Yarrabah’s school zone is bounded by:

  • NORTH : Lower Dandenong Road / Cheltenham Road
  • EAST :    Lonsdale Street / Frankston - Dandenong Road
  • WEST :   Warrigal Road / Port Phillip Bay
  • SOUTH : Armstrongs Road / Rutherford Road / LathamsRoad

Click here to view the Transport Map.

The bus transport is provided by Crown Coaches. The buses are driven by qualified and experienced drivers. Each bus has a chaperone. The buses are air conditioned and have two way radios.


You will be informed of pick up and drop off times for your child. It is important not to delay the bus, so please be ready for the morning pick up and have a responsible adult at home to greet your child in the afternoon.

If your child is not going to attend school on a particular day, please inform Crown Coaches on their 24 hour phone 9845 1455 and also notify the school on 9580 0384.

If you are bringing your child to school yourself and you arrive after 9.15 am, please wait in the foyer and we will arrange for a staff member to take your child to his/her room. This saves disrupting programs that have already commenced.