Upcoming Events
September 2024
  • 20End of Term 3 - Finish 3:00pm
October 2024
  • 7Start of Term 4
November 2024
  • 4Student Free Day
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These are behaviours we expect to be displayed for each of our school values by staff, parents and students. Our school should be a place where all members of the community have the right to feel safe, valued and secure.

ValuesExpected Behaviours
  • Actively listen to others and don’t judge
  • Respect others , their ideas and opinions
  • Make your actions consistent
  • Be actively aware and respectful of others, their culture, diversity and needs BUT do not accept bad / poor behaviour
  • Understanding that we are unique and valuable
  • Speak and act with courtesy: being mindful of body language and voice tone
  • Accept, appreciate and be receptive to individual opinions, beliefs and teaching styles
  • Listen to others
  • Acknowledge the achievements of others with dignity
  • To be true to yourself, i.e. act according to your true feelings and beliefs
  • To be open, honest and fair with everyone
  • To do the right thing knowing nobody is going to know you did it
  • Admit if you have made a mistake and be sincere with your apologies
  • Avoid negative behaviour that is hurtful to others such as gossip
Care & Support
  • To be a compassionate member of the school community and regularly review own performance and commitment to the school.
  • Be supportive, not judgemental
  • Be flexible
  • Listen – do not judge
  • Be truthful
  • Be aware / mindful of a person’s feelings, self esteem and health