
Each classroom within the school has at least 2 computers for student use. A bank of iPads are shared across the school. The computers and iPads are designed to cater for the individual needs of all students, as well as staff and administration needs. All staff have a firm grasp of all programs available to the students therefore offering their students a well balanced and educational program.

New software and apps. are continually assessed and purchased allowing all students to access new and innova-tiveĀ programs that are both educational and fun to use. Most importantly they meet individual students needs.

The Early Years Literacy Program and The Early Years Numeracy Program use computer software and apps. to enhance and complement the programs. These technologies and Interactive Witeboards are also an integral com-ponent to our language and communication programs across the school.


These technologies play a vital role in the education of our students. Students find the interaction fun, stimulat-ing and highly motivating as they are actively involved in the programs.

We have a range of input devices that allow all students to access and use computers and the interactive white-boards. These include touch screens, specialized and adapted switches and mice.

Students are developing their own Digital Portfolios, which encourages choice making, computer skillĀ development and assessment of their own learning.